DRS Series
The Champion DRS Series offers variable speed compressors that are designed with energy efficient inverter drives and motor combinations. These oil-lubricated, rotary screw compressors are ideal for environments where air demand fluctuates and energy savings are desired.
- 10-200 HP
- Up to 175 PSIG
- Variable Speed
- Direct Driven (DRS10, DRS40-50 & DRS125-175)
- Belt Driven (DRS15-DRS30)
- Base Mount or Air Station (DRS10-DRS30)
- Base Mount (DRS40-DRS200)
Important Features
DRS Series DRS10-DRS200
DRS Series rotary screw compressors produce energy savings of up to 25% by utilizing variable speed drives. These energy efficient compressors feature innovative component integration resulting in compact, serviceable and quiet compressors engineered for performance. The compact design ensures stable system pressure with minimal installation space. DRS Series compressors come equipped with the easy to use, intelligent control solutions that manage, monitor and maintain optimal operational parameters automatically ensuring reliable operation and protecting your investment.
- Air System Solution- (DRS10-DRS30) a complete plug-and-play solution for your application featuring a rotary screw compressor, dry tank air receiver, refrigerated air dryer & 1 micron pre-filter, two separate electrical connections (compressor and dryer), pressure gauge, tank drain and controller.
- 1:1 Direct Drive (DRS10,DRS40-DRS200) enables efficient power transmission and optimizes power consumption, providing more air with less energy.
- Variable Speed, Belt Drive (DRS15-DRS30) constantly aligns energy use with air demand. It adjusts motor speed to provide optimal performance and reliability, providing energy savings of up to 25%.
- CSC300 Controller (DRS10-DRS30) effectively manages, monitors and maintains optimal operational parameters to ensure stable system pressure and reliable operation.
- Governor Controller (DRS40-50 & DRS125-175) modernizes the process of running and maintaining the compressor with a state-of-the-art color touch screen. The simple, intuitive navigation and easy to access schematic view makes it easy to monitor and maintain system health and operate the compressor.